EMC Elect 2016 – Don’t miss to nominate your heroes

Time is running out, nominate your heroes now for the EMC Elect 2016 batch. If you feel someone’s contribution towards EMC products and services to the community (ECN, Social events, Blogs, Tweets, LinkedIn posts etc…) need to be recognized, you can nominate him/her for the program and it can be a self nomination too…


About the program : EMC Elect is an annual recognition program from EMC to value the social contributions towards EMC and their services. Contributions include the EMC Community Network threads, social events, Blog posts, tweets, LinkedIn posts etc…

You can read more about the program from the FAQs here.

Being an Elect Member : An EMC Elect gets privileged access to events including the EMC World, Blogger briefing sessions prior to product releases etc…, swag from EMC and program partners and more…

In simple words, being an EMC Elect, one will be part of an elite class of individuals – sources for great contributions to the community- and is a great honor for anyone.

You may read more about the program and nomination process from Mark Browne‘s blog.

And the most important part,

You can enter your nominations here anytime before 30th November 2015.

So don’t be late, nominate now..!

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